BOMBSHELL: Pfizer During Hearing In The European Parliament Admits That Their mRNA COVID Vaccine Was Never Tested To Stop Transmission Of Virus by Geoffrey GriderĀ for Now The End Begins
Pfizer director admitting in a session of the European Parliament that their COVID vaccine shot was not tested to see if it stopped transmission of the virus.
Rob Roos is a Dutch member of the European Parliament, and he sat in a meeting the other day and listened to some blockbuster, bombshell testimony from a director from the Pfizer corporation telling him that at no time was their vaccine tested regarding the stopping of transmission of the COVID virus. What does that mean? It means that the entire reasoning behind forcing people to take the vaccine to stop the transmission of the virus was a complete and total lie. Social media censors take note, I have included the video of her testimony in this article.
āThatĀ weĀ henceforthĀ beĀ no moreĀ children,Ā tossed to and fro,Ā andĀ carried about withĀ everyĀ windĀ of doctrine,Ā byĀ the sleightĀ of men,Ā and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;ā Ephesians 4:14 (KJB)
Remember all the endless articles and videos from the main stream media, the Biden White House, and all the rest of the New World Order demanding that, if you cared about your fellow man, you would take the shot to stop the transmission? Wouldnāt you think that the very first shot to be approved, the Pfizer BioNTech shot, would have been tested to see if it in fact stopped transmission? No, it was not tested for that at any time during the crisis. About a year and an half into the crisis, what did we find? That none of the shots stopped transmission, but guess what? Pfizer knew that from Day One, and so did the United States government.